Two-handed Throwing Axe

    submitted by: Ole Kjaer

    Cost: 150 sp
    Damage Step: 5
    Str Min: 18
    Weight: 4 lbs.
    Size: 4
    Use: Usually thrown
    Availability: uncommon, common in Skyraider areas
    Ranges (S/M/L in yards): 2-10 / 11-20 / 21-(30 + 3yards per Strength step over 8)

The two-handed throwing axe is a trollish invention. It is essentially a battle-axe specially weighted and constructed to allow this huge (and very scary) weapon to be thrown at opponents.
The head of this weapon is slightly lighter than that of a normal battle-axe which reduces the armor penetration (and therefore damage step) of the weapon.
Even trolls and obsidimen need both hands to handle this baby.

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