DEX: 5 | STR: 7 | TOU: 7 |
PER: 2 / 4 | WIL: 4 | CHA: 2 |
Initiative: 5 | Physical Defense: 6 |
# of Attacks: 1 | Spell Defense: 6 |
Attack: 8 | Social Defense: 7 |
Damage: 15 (bite) | Armor: 6 (all) |
# of Spells: NA | Mystic Armor: 2 |
Spellcasting: NA | Knockdown: 12 |
Effect: NA | Recovery Tests: 3 |
Death Rating: 50 | Combat Move: 40 |
Wound Threshold: 12 | Full Move: 60 |
Unc. Rating: 46 |
Powers: Camouflage - 10, Lock Jaws - 12.
Legend Points: 250
Equipment: Nil
Loot: Skin.
Alligators are big crocodiles, these are the stats for an animal which is about 10 feet in length but there are probably gators at least twice that size.
Gators hide in the water and attack by biting their prey and drowning it in the water. As soon as a Gator makes a successful attack with a good success level, roll the Lock Jaws step, if the result is higher than the PD of the prey consider it 'locked' and use the rolled number as a target number for any strength test made to break free again.
While locked the character suffers damage equal to the alligators step in Lock Jaws at the end of each round in addition to any drowning damage.