Apparition - title

PER: 9 WIL: 9 CHA: 8

Initiative: 12 Physical Defense: NA (20)
# of Attacks: NA Spell Defense: 15
Attack: NA Social Defense: 12
      Damage: NA Armor: NA (25)
# of Spells: 2 Mystic Armor: 12
Spellcasting: 15 Knockdown: NA
      Effect: See below Recovery Tests: 4
Death Rating: 88 Combat Move: 35
Wound Threshold: NA Full Move: 70
Unc. Rating: NA

Karma Points: 12      Karma Step: 8

Powers: Fear 15; Possession 12.

Legend Points: 2,100
Equipment: none
Loot: none

      Apparitions are incorporeal undead, which means they cannot be touched on the physical plane. They only exist in the astral, but can manifest as a blurred humanoid form on the physical plane.ApparitionTherefore the numbers in brackets for physical defense and "physical armor" are used when the opponent is able to attack them from the astral. (By portal, special talent, etc.)

Apparitions are not evil by nature although many Apparitions will go crazy shortly after entering their unlife. Apparitions cannot be created by magical means or by horrors, but are formed when namegivers die under tragic circumstances and a task still unfulfilled, e.g. giving a final kiss to its loved one, deliver an important message, etc.

Apparitions are always limited to stay in an area with a 500 yard radius around their place of death, unless they find a more or less willing carrier for their incorporeal form by using their possession power. A "sane" Apparition will usually not use this power without the willing participation of its host, whereas mad Apparitions will try to inspire immense fear in its opponent and then try to possess him or her to carry out the task it desired so much in life. Note that this task may or may not be possible now, for example giving the final kiss to its loved one will only be possible if the loved one is still alive.
Once the task is fulfilled the Apparition disappears, but a sane Apparition may give its host some information for the service granted, like telling him or her the place of a threaded item or secret cache of jewelry.

For an exact specification on how the undead power of Possession works consult the Undead Powers section here, or just click on the name.
Dispelling the power while not in the 500 yards radius area requires an extraordinary success level and destroys the apparition.

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