Rank I Cost : 200 Legend Points
Key Knowledge : As always the character has to know he name of the item, which is Ashadaiéls Shield.
Effect : The shield is treated as a buckler, which means that an archer can still use it while firing a bow (but not a crossbow). The shields offers a Mystic Armor rating of 2 as long as it is used in a defensive way.
Rank II Cost : 300 Legend Points
Key Knowledge : The character must know the name of the eagle from which the shields feathers were taken. (Ilphatás).
Effect : Yahat er Sirgáth, Wings of the Eagle. The character gains an ability similar to the 5th circle elementalist spell Metal Wings, but the wings are of course not made from metal but from real feathers and bone. There is no need to roll any test, the spell automatically takes effect after two rounds of "growing time" and last for 15 minutes, otherwise it is like any normal Metal Wings spell. It may however be dispelled by a successful dispel magic test against either the SD of the shield or the wielder, whichever is higher. This ability is usable a number of times each day equal to the Thread Rank of Ashadaiéls Shield and requires an action to start.
Rank III Cost : 500 Legend Points
Key Knowledge : None
Effect : The Armor and Mystic Armor Rating increase to 4 and 3 respectively.
Rank IV Cost : 800 Legend Points
Key Knowledge : The character must learn the name of the oak from which the shields center part was made. (Oér)
Deed : The character may travel to the site where Oér (the oak tree) was growing and plant a new oak seedling. Completing this deed is worth 500 Legend Points.
Effect : Jal er Oér, Skin of Oér. The character gains the ability to use the talent Wood Skin at a total step number equal to the thread rank plus his own toughness step plus two. The Mystic Armor rating is 4 now.
Rank V Cost : 2.100 Legend Points
Key Knowledge : The character has to learn why the tree was named. (Oér was animated by an elven elementalist into a powerful wood elemental and died in the defense of his forest against a horror named Sorranade [will follow] )
Effect(s) : Mushád er Oér, Legs of Oér. At the cost of two points of strain the character may add ten steps to his Wound Balance / Strength step to resist knockdown, this does however prohibit any further movement during this round, the character is effectively rooted to the spot.
Ganjal, Purity. When fighting horrors the shield acts as a horror fend charm (+3SD & +3PD), but does not require any strain to uphold, it does however need 3 points of strain to activate and lasts for as long as any horror or horror construct is within 120 yards of the shield and its wielder. Treat this bonus as the bonus from a blood charm which means that it is unaffected by the rule of three.
Sio il Ráàc, self sacrifice. When fighting Sorranade, the character using Ashadaiéls Shield may sacrifice the shield to summon Oér the elemental which lent part of its former strength to the shield, in direct confrontation the power of Oér should be enough to overcome the horror (for this reason I refrain from giving a fixed Strength rating), after the horrors or the elementals death the spirit / shield vanishes forever.
Treat this as a deed worth 8.900 Legend Points plus the points for defeating the horror Sorranade.
Notes : As you may have guessed Ashasdaiél is a character from my campaign world, if it doesn't fit in yours change it. This was also the main reason why I have not based any abilities on Ashadaiéls powers.