DEX: 5 | STR: 9 | TOU: 9 |
PER: 3 / 4 | WIL: 4 | CHA: 5 |
Initiative: 7 | Physical Defense: 8 |
# of Attacks: 1, 2 or 3 | Spell Defense: 6 |
Attack: 8 (often aggressive) | Social Defense: 5 |
Damage: 18 (bite); 11 (claws) | Armor: 8 |
# of Spells: 0 | Mystic Armor: 3 |
Spellcasting: NA | Knockdown: 11 |
Effect: NA | Recovery Tests: 4 |
Death Rating: 60 | Combat Move: 25 |
Wound Threshold: 13 | Full Move: 50 |
Unc. Rating: 53 |
Power: Sprint(2)
Legend Points: 300
Equipment: Teeth
Loot: Fur, worth from 50sp to 600sp, half of the value counts as a treasure worth Legend Points.
These are the statistics for a 'standard' big (male) bear standing approx. 8 to 9 feet in height, female bears or bears living further south are usually smaller and less aggressive, subtract one or two steps from most attributes and corresponding ratings. The famous cave bear on the other hand is even bigger, standing up to 12 feet in height (Str:12 Tou:12 Dmg:23/14 Ar:10).
Bears are difficult to train, since they have no facial muscles with which to display changes in their emotional state, beastmasters need at least a good success to handle or train a bear.