DEX: 5 | STR: 2 | TOU: 3 |
PER: 2/4 | WIL: 2 | CHA: 3 |
Initiative: 7 | Physical Defense: 6 |
# of Attacks: 1 (bite) | Spell Defense: 6 |
Attack: 6 | Social Defense: 4 |
Damage: 5 | Armor: 0 |
# of Spells: NA | Mystic Armor: 0 |
Spellcasting: NA | Knockdown: immune |
Effect: NA | Recovery Tests: 1 |
Death Rating: 24 | Combat Move: 20 |
Wound Threshold: 6 | Full Move: 40 |
Unc. Rating: 19 |
Legend Points: 80
Equipment: None.
Loot: Hide is worth up to 75sp. Due to the danger involved in obtaining this hide this treasure counts as treasure worth legend points.
These are the stats for a normal Cobra, the one most often found in jungle, it reaches a length of up to 9 feet. When angered (which happens quite often) the cobra shows its characteristic skin pattern and usually bites shortly afterwards. The poison of a Cobra is potent enough to kill a child in a quarter of an hour and even adults are in severe danger if bitten more than once. The cobra has enough poison in its glands to last for three bite attacks.
The biggest snake of the cobra family is the King Cobra, which can actually reach a length of 16 feet. (according to my Dragon (tm) magazine, and NO I don't play AD&D (tm) anymore)
Poison ( Resist: 9; Dmg: 8/3 (each 5min); Onset: 6rds; Duration: 15min; Side Effect: med. pain). For more info on poisons look in the poison section of these pages.