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Description :
As the name might suggest a crystal bow is made from living crystal, similar to the armors fancied by most troll skyraider clans. Like most crystalline items a crystal bow needs magic (which means a thread attached) to work properly. As soon as a thread is woven to such an item, the bow starts to shine with a dim light of the same color as the crystal it has been fashioned from. In addition to that the crystal grows flexible and allows an archer (not necessarily an archer adept) to fire an arrow from the bow. Like most threaded bows the string is not an integral part of the item and may be replaced by any type of string the wielder wishes to use. (Note: although the picture shows a very nice quiver it is not a part of the crystal bow - in the beginning at least) Most crystal bows are longbows although a few short and warbows have also been seen across the country ( -1/+1 Damage Step respectively)
No. of Threads : 3 | Spell Defense : 12 |
Basic Statistics :
Weight: 5 lbs Damage Step: 4
Rank I Cost : 200 Legend Points Key Knowledge : As always the character has to know he name of the item, which the GM has to provide. Some bows have their names etched into the crystal, while others have their names within the crystal itself, allowing the name to be read only when a successful Spell Casting test against the bows Spell Defense is made. Effect : Crystal Spitter, for the cost of one point of strain per shot the shooter may cause the arrow to transform into an arrow-shaped crystalline replica during flight, which adds three steps to the damage step due to the incredible sharpness of the crystal arrow. If the damage step results in a bonus die the arrow shatters after hitting the target otherwise the arrow reverts to normal after a number of minutes equal to the current thread rank of the crystal bow. Shattered arrows dissolve after the same time.