Elven Steed
DEX: 6 | STR: 7 | TOU: 7 |
PER: 4 | WIL: 4 | CHA: 6 |
Initiative: 8 | Physical Defense: 8 |
# of Attacks: 1 | Spell Defense: 7 |
Attack: 6 | Social Defense: 6 |
Damage: 8 | Armor: 0 |
# of Spells: NA | Mystic Armor: 1 |
Spellcasting: NA | Knockdown: 6 |
Effect: NA | Recovery Tests: 3 |
Death Rating: 41 | Combat Move: 60 |
Wound Threshold: 11 | Full Move: 150 |
Unc. Rating: 33 |
Legend Points: 50
Equipment: None.
Loot: Various items from the rider (if any).
Rare and difficult to breed, these race horses are valued all over Barsaive and sometimes fetch prizes of over 5.000 silver pieces. Elven steeds are always very sleek, muscular and either pure white or grey in color. An elven steed cannot wear any barding and is encumbered as if it possessed a strength value of 19. (270 lbs)