DEX: 5 | STR: 4 | TOU: 3 |
PER: 6 | WIL: 4 | CHA: 6 |
Initiative: 6 (12 with dive attack) | Physical Defense: 9 |
# of Attacks: 3 (two claws, one bite) | Spell Defense: 8 |
Attack: 8 | Social Defense: 8 |
Damage: 4 (claws); 5 (bite) | Armor: 0 |
# of Spells: NA | Mystic Armor: 0 |
Spellcasting: NA | Knockdown: 4 |
Effect: NA | Recovery Tests: 1 |
Death Rating: 22 | Combat Move: 8 (60, flying) |
Wound Threshold: 5 | Full Move: 15 (120, flying) |
Unc. Rating: 16 |
Power: Dive Attack, increases Initiative to 12 and Movement to 240.
Legend Points: 50 (I know that the defense ratings are quite high)
Equipment: None
Loot: Feathers at the GM's discretion.
The bird of prey for rich, snobbish nobles (Therans ?). Not a real challenge for a human but hares are definitely in danger. Pure sport bird. Looks fancy and is a fantastic present at court.