Important Attributes : Dexterity,
Strength and Toughness.
Artisan Skills : Body Painting and Weapon Runic Carving.
Karma Ritual : The Karma Ritual of the Gladiator can only be performed immediately after a combat has occurred. The Gladiator sits down, smears the blood of his foes below his eyes (like the black paint of the football guys) and recalls the last fight, imagines a large audience cheering him, sees himself fighting and overcoming his foes, he then raises his head and sees a ghastly figure hovering before him and asks the figure how he did. The answer is either thumbs up (you did good) or thumbs down (you did bad) at the GM's discretion depending on how well the Gladiator fought. If the result is thumbs down the Gladiator gains no Karma Points, but loses no Legend Points. The thumbs up results in a normal effect. The ritual takes half an hour.
Since this ritual would mean that a Gladiator gains very little Karma, it may be repeated for as long as the opponents blood is still fresh (not coagulated), how long this takes is up to the GM and depends on the type of creature defeated.
Gladiators are not limited to one Karma Ritual per day !
It is of course idiotic to repeat a thumbs down result.
* denotes a Discipline Talent.
(K) indicates that (a) Talent Knack(s) may be learned.
- Avoid Blow
- Battle Shout
- Karma Ritual
- Melee Weapons* (K)
- Unarmed Combat* (K)
- Wound Balance
- Anticipate Blow
- Durability ( +10/+9 )
- Swat* (see below)
- Resist Pain* (see below)
- Tiger Spring
Physical Defense: ...is increased by one point.
- Thread Weaving* (Blood Weaving) (K)
- Swift Kick*
Carnage : The Gladiator may enter a fighting frenzy by making a successful Blood Frenzy test. Treat this frenzy as Blood Frenzy in all respects.
Karma: The Gladiator may spend one point of Karma to increase the damage of any close combat attack.
Karma: The Gladiator may spend one Karma Point on any action using Strength only.
- Acrobatic Strike
- Life Check*
Social Defense: Increase the Gladiator's Social Defense by one.
- Crushing Blow
- Scream for Blood (see below)
Initiative: Increase the Gladiator's Initiative Step by one.
- Song of the Steel* (see below)
- Spot Armor Flaw
Physical Defense: ... is increased by two.
- Metal Ward
- Temper Self
- Quickblade
Recovery Test: The Gladiator gains one Recovery Test.
Spell Defense: ... is increased by one.
Social Defense: ... is increased by one.
Havoc : To use the Havoc Power the Gladiator has to enter a Blood frenzy. He has to state an opponent or a group of opponents as his chosen enemies. Once he has done so he must use one point of Karma on each test made while fighting his sworn enemies, he must use Karma on every tests even when he is normally not allowed to use Karma (e.g. Initiative).
This means that he will spend at least one point of Karma every round (on his Initiative test) as long as his enemies are within sight. If his Karma points reach zero or if the Gladiator breaks of combat the Gladiator dies a death which cannot be prevented by standard means (last chance salve, bloodcharms, etc.)
Author's Note : Intelligent opponents will try to evade the Gladiator !
New Talent(s) :
Step Number: Rank+Strength Step Action: No
Requires Karma: Yes Skill Use: No Strain: 2
Versatility : Yes
Description :
See Horrors Book p. 88.
To use this talent the Gladiator has to use metal guards on his forearms, otherwise...
Step Number: Rank Action: Yes
Requires Karma: No Skill Use: No Strain: 0
Versatility : No
Description :
The effect of this talent is the same as the lightbearer power ease wounds, with two exceptions. First the power can only be used on the Gladiator himself and second its duration is limited to a number of rounds equal to the characters rank in resist pain.
Step Number: Rank+Willpower Step+3 Action: Yes
Requires Karma: Yes Skill Use: No Strain: No
Versatility : Yes
Description :
This talent can only be used if the Gladiator has closed for melee combat. When using this power the Gladiator utters a bloodthirsty scream, then rolls the Step dice against a target number equal to is opponents social defense. Do NOT roll the Karma die necessary to use this talent. If the test is successful the opponent may not leave close combat with the Gladiator for as long as the gladiator spends one Karma at the beginning of each combat round to uphold this talent's magic. There are no consequences other than this effect. An opponent may sacrifice his action on any round to make a willpower test against a target number equal to the test result of the Scream for Blood talent to end its effect prematurely.
Author's Note: Can get pretty nasty when fighting Windling Wizards.
Step Number: Rank+Charisma Step Action: Yes
Requires Karma: No Skill Use: No Strain: 4
Versatility : No
Description :
This talent has the same effect as the Dragon Power of Fear. The effect lasts for a number a combat rounds equal to the users rank in Song of the Steel. It may only be used once in any engagement and only if the Gladiator uses a metal weapon. Use of this power causes all metal weapons the Gladiator uses at this time to emit a high-pitched wailing sound.
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