greatspear_title.gif - 778 Bytes

    Cost: 90 sp
    Damage Step: 6
    Str Min: 15
    Weight: 10 lbs.
    Size: 6+
    Use: Warfare
    Availability: common

Description: The Greatspear, also known as a pike is a very long defensive weapon, usually between 12 and 20 feet in length with a comparatively short metal blade attached to the front (like most spears).
When set to receive a charge a the combatant using the Greatspear may add six steps to his initiative as well as three steps to the damage step. If the opponent is knocked down with a pike he or she (or it) may never strike back (from the ground) unless he is of gigantic size.
A group of pikemen (more than 5), often named a phalanx, always win initiative over an charging opponent if they have time to prepare for the attack (have spent one round preparing) there is no need to roll.

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