DEX: 8 |
STR: 18 |
TOU: 18 |
PER: 3/10 |
WIL: 15 |
CHA: 3 |
Initiative: 4 |
Physical Defense: 6 |
# of Attacks: 2 |
Spell Defense: 26 |
Attack: 15 |
Social Defense: NA |
Damage: 25 |
Armor: 35 (35 all) |
# of Spells: 1 |
Mystic Armor: 22 |
Spellcasting: 18 |
Knockdown: 23 |
Effect: See below |
Recovery Tests: 2 |
Death Rating: 150 |
Combat Move: 40 |
Wound Threshold: NA |
Full Move: 70 |
Unc. Rating: NA |
Power: Dispel Magic Wave -18, roll a Spell Casting test at the end of each round, treat this as a normal dispel magic vs. all talents and sustained magic within a 45 yard radius centered on the golem. (Wood Skin, Flameblade, etc...)
Legend Points: 25,500
Equipment: None
Loot: None
This represents the rare iron golem, which stands approximately 15 feet in height and weighs more than a whole trollmoot. An approaching iron golem can easily be detected by the minor earthquakes caused by its steps, if the golem is very close it will most probably cause all magic to be quenched (dispelled) leaving the characters standing in the dark (if they used light quartzes).
Most of those giants were used to protect kaer gates, but nearly all of them failed - brute force can never defeat the malign intellect of a horror.
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