"Listen! I smell something!"
-Voshivo Atanak, After eating beans.
This is one of the creatures which
we made up.
Some are just meant for comic relief, so bear with us for a
second or two.
DEX: 7 | STR: 3 | TOU: 9 |
PER: 3 | WIL: 7 | CHA: 3 |
Initiative: 7 | Physical Defense: 9 |
# of Attacks: 1 | Spell Defense: 10 |
Attack: 7 | Social Defense: 4 |
Damage: 3 | Armor: 1 |
# of Spells: NA | Mystic Armor: 1 |
Spellcasting: NA | Knockdown: NA |
Effect: NA | Recovery Tests: 4 |
Death Rating: 47 | Combat Move: 25 |
Wound Threshold: 13 | Full Move: 50 |
Unc. Rating: 40 |
Legend Points: 25
Equipment: None
Loot: None, sorry.
On the Klix's Behavior
Klix are a small sentient being that belongs to the rodentia family. It is only found in the Island of Dalacin which is hidden off the coast of Barsaive in the Aras Sea. The creature stands 12 inches and is completely covered by fine fur. They have huge beady eyes and have two fingers and toes for each appendage. The Klix are sentient, and they do have a form of communication composed of clicks and clacks (that's where they get their name). They cute little fuzzy creatures live a nomadic lifestyle in the jungle parts of Dalacin. They tend to travel from different hotsprings in the island there are many since the island is volcanic) and they travel in tribes of 5-10 Klix. No one has bothered to learn more about these pests because they are considered vermin in the Island of Dalacin. They very frequently gang up and gobble up their main source of food: wood. The reason why they go to the towns to destroy the wood is because the trees in Dalacin are protected by a thick bark which is especially hard to get through with the tiny little Klixs teeth.
Klix and their Magical Properties
The Klix are believed to have some magical properties, but it is not quite evident at first. It seems that Klix have a ability to mimic a talent which it has witnessed in the last 15 minutes. The problem is that, because of their short memories, they forget how to use the talent. The Rank of the talent that the Klix mimic's is equivilant to the rank of the talent of the person he copied. (This rule might be changed do to game balance).
On the Kilx's Anatomy
The Klix are very well adapted to their surrounding. They are the primary prey on the island of Dalacin, but they are not afraid to fight creature up to 8 times it's size! You may be wondering, why is a sentient being stupid enough to go up against a troll when it's only 1 foot tall? Well, it's because they have a unique way of reproducing. The Klix use a methos called spontaneous cloning. This is aremarkable event, but it only happens when a Klix knows it's near death. The Klix have this reflex action to caugh up a hairball when their life is in danger (which often leads to death). This hairball grows to become a perfect clone of the orginal. The clone even has the memory of the original until the time of caughing. The hairball, can only grow in a replicated hotspring, which means in order for the Klix to grow, you must throw him into boiling water for about 5 minutes. If the hairball does not have a chance to sprout again, and the ball is destroyed, then the klix is dead.
The klix can also survive almost all type of physical abuse. This is because their skeletal system is completely composed of cartillage. which means, no broken bones. They also have another advantage. All of their vital organs are located in it's head, so that is the only vital area. The rest of his body is completely reserved for stomach space.
On the Kilx's Tastes
The Klix have an unusual reaction to fish heads. They have a sensory organ specifically dedicated to finding fishheads. Once in direct contact with fishheads, the Klix go berserk! all of their damage steps are tripled, and they get two attacks! It has always been a mystery as to why they klix have such a great sensitivity to fishheads.
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