DEX: 13 | STR: 14 | TOU: 13 |
PER: 4 | WIL: 12 | CHA: 11 |
Initiative: 15 | Physical Defense: 16 |
# of Attacks: 3 | Spell Defense: 15 |
Attack: 13 | Social Defense: 12 |
Damage: 25(beak), 15(wings) | Armor: 10 (12/12/5/9) |
# of Spells: 1 | Mystic Armor: 12 |
Spellcasting: 12 | Knockdown: 14 |
Effect: See below | Recovery Tests: 8 |
Death Rating: 125 | Combat Move: 80, fly 125 |
Wound Threshold: 15 | Full Move: 160, fly 250 |
Unc. Rating: 100 |
Legend Points: 25,000 (guess)
Equipment: none
Loot: none.
The Phoenix is an elemental fire animal
(Given the logic of the late T$R I guess it is called "animental" in AD&D
?). I hope that everybody knows how a Phoenix is supposed to look like
so we can skip that part (big&burning bird).
The Phoenix can create two different types of fire, both by spreading
out his wings and thereby creating a wall of fire 30' in length.
The first one is soothing fire which does no damage but causes the
prey to sit on the ground and become totally calm for up to 2 minutes (2d6
The second one is more of the mundane type and burns quite heavily
for Step 15 damage.
When killed the phoenix must immediately make all Recovery Test with
its Rise out of the ashes Step to prevent his death. (Just like
a death cheat charm)