Rei' dar - title

    "We are one with nature and nature is one of us" - traditional Rei'dar greeting .

    Rei'dar Game Statistics :

      Attributes :
    • Dexterity : Excellent, +3.
    • Strength : below average, -1.
    • Toughness : normal.
    • Perception : Great, +2.
    • Willpower : average.
    • Charisma : -2, Rei'dar have a unique view of the world and serious trouble relating their opinions to other people(s). Ignore this penalty when figuring out any charisma related stats, like social defense, but include it in interaction tests and some direct talents, e.g. the Taunt talent ( "You ugly flower", isn't one of the worst insults for most races. )

      Other Stats :
    • Movement : As Dexterity plus one.
    • Karma Die : 1d6 .
    • Max. Karma : 30 .
    • Starting Karma : 5 .
    • Legend Points per Karma : 8 .
    • Size : Males ~5' 4'' ; Females ~5' 2'' .
    • Weight : Males ~100 lbs; Females ~90 lbs.
    • Life Expectancy : ~900 years.

      Rei'dar special abilities and weaknesses:
    • Rei'dar have low-light vision.
    • A Rei'dar can talk to plants automatically, doing so requires one point of strain per question. Use the Rei'dar's half-magic perception based step for any test.
    • When in dense foliage a Rei'dar may try to imitate the Earth Blend spell, by remaining totally motionless, the "spell" is automatically successful and has an Effect Step based on dexterity half-magic plus four. (e.g. 5th Circle; Dex Step: 8; Effect: 15) Use of this ability costs one strain per minute.
    • Rei'dar have a very accurate sense of smell, when making smell-based perception tests add two steps. However when confronted by very strong smells, like that of a decaying corpse, Rei'dar suffer a one step penalty on all actions.
    • Rei'dar may move through any forest or jungle at normal movement rate.
    • Rei'dar Recovery tests are linked to the nature surrounding them, when in primal forest or similar terrain they gain one additional Recovery test per day, when in normal terrain, for example farmland, nothing changes. When in barren terrain, like mountains and deserts, Rei'dar lose one test and when in an area where absolutely no plants are in vicinity they gain no recovery tests at all (Underground, some cities).
    • Rei'dar are resistant to elemental Earth and Wood based spells, their Spell Defense is increased by three points when targeted by such powers. They are however vulnerable to fire and suffer a three point penalty on their Spell Defense when targeted by fire based powers. ( In fact most Rei'dar suffer from extreme Pyrophobia. )
    • And lastly most (animal) predators will attack a Rei'dar only if there is no other prey nearby.

      Rei'dar allowed disciplines :
        Archer; Beastmaster*; Elementalist*; Illusionist, Scout* and Troubadour.
        For obvious reasons Rei'dar never worship the element of fire.
        * indicates their main disciplines.

    Description: As noted above Rei'dar stand roughly over five feet tall and given their weight are of a slender build. Skin color ranges from a dark tan over brown to a brown green color, the eyes are always of a bright green, with the pupils of a cat. Reidar ???The hair is special in the way that it is no "natural" hair, but actually grass (I know it sounds stupid, thank you) growing out of a Rei'dars head. (He or she doesn't need to water it however ;-) )
    Rei'dar move fast at all times (a rather annoying habit) rarely staying at one spot for any longer than a few seconds (Of course with the exception of a Rei'dar using his Earth Blend power), a natural instinct from many animals.
    Rei'dar are (of course) vegetarians, they won't eat flesh purely because they can't digest it (I consider eating flesh natural). Because of this Rei'dar never need to pass a willpower test when eating dwarven trail rations, they do however not get any bonus normally associated with eating this type of food.
    Rei'dar shun most other races, including elves, but they do sometimes approach windlings if in need for help.
    They speak a language they call Rei' falogh, which doesn't seem to be related to any other namegiver language and is very hard to learn (Difficulty number: 12), Like many other languages this one knows only present tense (I mention this because this is an excellent way to excel at roleplaying, dear player). Rei' falogh is however no written language, Rei'dar know no characters.

    As a player character race Rei'dar are very difficult to play (trust me), because they don't fit in most non-wilderness settings and, if played correctly, will have serious trouble starting an adventuring career (I see little reason to grant a Rei'dar any other language than his own, for example).
    They may be encountered only in a wilderness region (I think the Liaj jungle (?) would be good ) and if your group starts out in a large city a Rei'dar player character is unacceptable as well as unfitting. Player's stating that their character is very special for his race and likes cities, annoy me as a master.
    Players who think that they might have difficulties playing a "living lawn" (my players called their Rei'dar NPC that way, what an insult !!, SHOCKING - every lawn is alive, of course) should stick to the standard races even if the Rei'dar offers more "bonus" points.
    For all others, have fun, and for the GM's: They are quite funny to play as an NPC, try it ! (if they fit in your campaign)

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