DEX: 4 | STR: 12 | TOU: 12 |
PER: 2 / 3 | WIL: 6 | CHA: 1 |
Initiative: 3 | Physical Defense: 6 |
# of Attacks: 1 | Spell Defense: 8 |
Attack: 8 | Social Defense: 10 |
Damage: 16 (bite) | Armor: 12 (5/15/10/10) |
# of Spells: NA | Mystic Armor: 3 |
Spellcasting: NA | Knockdown: 22 |
Effect: NA | Recovery Tests: 5 |
Death Rating: 100 | Combat Move: 20 |
Wound Threshold: 14 | Full Move: 40 |
Unc. Rating: 85 |
Legend Points: 500
Equipment: NA
Loot: The exoskeleton of the giant sexton beetle may be used to make a set of very flexible and hard plate mail, giving an armor rating of about 8 at an initiative penalty of 3 (weight: 35lbs // +2/10/7/7 for hit loc.). The armor does however get brittle after a year or so (depending on strain&climate) and has to be discarded after that time.
Although the beetle is very large only one armor may be made from it, doing so is worth 300 Legend Points.
(Guess what, Jochen has seen Starship Trooper)
Giant sexton beetles are commonly found in desert climates and can reach heights of about 9 feet and weigh much more than a mature Obsidiman. They dispose the carcasses of the really big animals in a fantasy campaign world (e.g. Dyres, Wyverns).
Although the giant sexton beetle won't attack any namegiver or animal, it will defend itself if it feels threatened attacking mainly by biting their opponent.