DEX: 10 | STR: 15 | TOU: 19 |
PER: 5 | WIL: 8 | CHA: 8 |
Initiative: 12 | Physical Defense: 15 |
# of Attacks: 3 (bite / 2*rake) | Spell Defense: 15 |
Attack: 18 | Social Defense: 18 |
Damage: 25(bite) / 19(rake) | Armor: 22 ( all regions ) |
# of Spells: (1) | Mystic Armor: 6 |
Spellcasting: 12 | Knockdown: 19 |
Effect: see below | Recovery Tests: 8 |
Death Rating: 108 | Combat Move: 100, 90 flying |
Wound Threshold: 22 | Full Move: 120, 180 flying |
Unc. Rating: immune |
Powers: Fear-20 (starting with a fierce roar), as per Dragon Power of Fear
Legend Points: 9,000
Encumbrance: as Strength 29 (1,200lbs) while flying, 2,500lbs on the ground.
Equipment: none, maybe from rider if any.
Loot: Eyes, which are flawless, absolutely perfect sapphires, worth easily 2,500sp each, this treasure counts as treasure worth Legend Points.
Thread Ranks :
Rank II Cost: 3.400 Legend Points
Rank III Cost: 8.900 Legend Points
Rank I Cost: 1.300 Legend Points
Key Knowledge : The name of this Shadrakh.
Effect : Gain control over Shadrakh. If the would-be rider does not weave this thread into the shadrakh, the beast expresses a strong dislike for its rider...
Effect : Shadrakh gains flying.
Effect : Shadrakh may now be guided by mental commands over a distance of half a mile.
A shadrakh is a magical creature, native on the elemental plane of earth and as such composed entirely of the element of earth, or better of stone. It appears as a big tiger-like feline, with no fur and small, blue shining eyes and a skin the texture of roughly hewn stone.
Shadrakhs give of no body heat and are therefore difficult to detect with Heat Sight, if they move slowly or remain motionless.
In combat Shadrakhs attack like most animals, they pounce upon their prey and try to snap its neck. However they use this tactic only against opponents who are larger than themselves, since their great body weight is enough to crush even an Obsidiman.
Shadrakhs are animals, though they can be targeted by any animal related power, for example by a beastmaster or a cavalryman, an excellent successlevel is needed for any power to succeed (They are after all not native to this plane)
Once a Shadrakh is tamed, its potential rider has to weave a thread into the beast and spend the necessary Legend Points to secure the thread in the Shadrakhs pattern, the target number for the Thread Weaving test is the Shadraks' Spell Defense plus the thread rank the character wishes to weave. It is suicidal to try to ride a Shadrakh without weaving any threads into it.
Shadrakhs are rare and valued treasures by some dessert tribes, they are almost never found in any other terrain, although they could theoretically be summoned everywhere, they have no preferred climate in which to live.
As with named spirits, to summon a Shadrakh to this plane, you'll need its name, otherwise the procedure is the same as summoning any other spirit, with the exception, that Shadrakhs are never friendly, do not understand a word you say and, unless you have a really good beastmaster nearby, will shred you to pieces within a few seconds.
And by the way, Shadrakhs cannot leave this plane once summoned, unless they find a gate to the elemental plane of earth.