Monster Generator - title

    Just fill in the fields an hit the submit button.
    (It will take some time, usually one or two weeks, until it gets published)

    NO field is mandatory !
    Use tab to navigate !

    To use the calculate function Javascript 1.2 is needed, meaning either Netscape 4.x or Internetexploder 4.x or 5.
    (tested with NS 4.5 & IE 4.01, worked fine)

    Your Name:
    Your Email:

    All Monsters / Animals / Horror (Constructs):
    Monster Name:
    Monster Class: | Please fill out the corresponding section below

    DEX: STR: TOU:
    PER: WIL: CHA:

    Initiative: Physical Defense:
    # of Attacks: Spell Defense:
    Attack: Social Defense:
          Damage (highest): Armor:
    # of Spells: Mystic Armor:
    Spellcasting: Knockdown:
          Effect: Recovery Tests:
    Death Rating: Combat Move:
    Wound Threshold: Full Move:
    Unc. Rating:

    Horror Section
    (only Horrors and Monsters may have Karma) - HSB = Horrors Sourcebook
    Horror Power (1): Step:
    Horror Power (2): Step:
    Horror Power (3): Step:
    Horror Power (4): Step:
    Horror Power (5): Step:

    Monster Section
    (only Horrors and Monsters may have Karma)
    Monster Power (1): Step:
    Monster Power (2): Step:
    Monster Power (3): Step:
    Monster Power (4): Step:
    Monster Power (5): Step:


    Legend Points:

    Netscape User's: If you get a "NaN" (=Not a Number) result just press the button again.
    All User's: You can modify the # of Legend Point as you see fit, just don't press the calculate button again !


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