Damage Step: 7 each Str Min: 14 Str Max: 21 Dex Max: 19 Weight: 9 lbs. Size: 6 Ranges (S/M/L in yards): 2-50 / 51-175 / 176-275 Shots per Round: 2 / 4 or 1 / 2 Use: Favorite weapon of Theran elite troops Availability: Very Rare, Rare in Thera
Two medium crossbows mounted on top of each other. Two shots may be fired in one round, reloading is however much more difficult than normal taking three rounds (2/4 means fire 2 shots in round one and reload 3 rounds), alternatively only one crossbow may be reloaded and fired. This type of bow also has a maximum dexterity rating, ignore dexterity steps higher than 8, when calculating the missile weapons talent step while firing this weapon, the great bulk makes it too difficult to handle.
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