Troll Crossbow - title

    Submitted by Ole Kjaer.

    Cost: NA
    Damage Step: 16
    Str Min: 22
    Str Max: 30
    Weight: 16 to 18 lbs
    Size: 6 (see below)
    Ranges (S/M/L in yards): 3-30 / 31-160 / 161-350
    Rate of Fire: 1 Shot per 4 rounds. Use: Xtrm long range combat
    Availability: almost unique

Description: Only five of this majestic weapons are known to exist, all of them made by an Troll Weaponsmith / Archer named Xenothis. These weapons can only be used by the two (four if you count the neXus races) big races, because only their hands are large enough to grasp this weapon in the right way. Although slow to fire and slightly inaccurate a direct hit from these weapons will kill most people in one shot. (the minimum damage step is 25 !)

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