DEX: 5 | STR: 7 | TOU: 7 |
PER: 2/3 | WIL: 3/5(against fear) | CHA: 1 |
Initiative: 6 | Physical Defense: 9 |
# of Attacks: 1 (bite) | Spell Defense: 5 |
Attack: 9 | Social Defense: 4 |
Damage: 15 | Armor: 1 or barding |
# of Spells: (1) | Mystic Armor: 0 |
Spellcasting: see below | Knockdown: 7 |
Effect: see below | Recovery Tests: 3 |
Death Rating: 34 | Combat Move: 40 |
Wound Threshold: 11 | Full Move: 80 |
Unc. Rating: 26 |
Power: Fierce Growling (as the talent Frighten)- 10 (treat as Rank 3).
Legend Points: 125
Equipment: Sometimes a leather barding.
Loot: None.
Imagine a jet-black bull-terrier the size of a small pony and you get this nice animal. Needless to say it is bred for fighting and is quite useless for any other task. Even orcs keep these animals in a kennel, since wardogs are so aggressive that they fight amongst each other all the time. When not held in a big pack a wardog quickly heals the nicks and scratches of those fights giving him a DR of 42 and an UR of 37. Orcs use the dogs mainly for dyre hunting. (No other animal would be so stupid as to attack an adult dyre)