Withered One - title

DEX: 12 STR: 10 TOU: 12
PER: 9 WIL: 12 CHA: 6

Initiative: 15 Physical Defense: 16
# of Attacks: 2 Spell Defense: 15
Attack: 19 Social Defense: 15
      Damage: 20 (usually) Armor: 12
# of Spells: (1) Mystic Armor: 5
Spellcasting: 13 Knockdown: 15
      Effect: See below Recovery Tests: 6
Death Rating: 105 Combat Move: 80
Wound Threshold: 16 Full Move: 120
Unc. Rating: NA

Karma Points: 8       Karma Step: 5

Withered One Powers: Drain Strength 5, Fear 13, Tactics (Rk5) 14.

Legend Points: 4,000
Equipment: Tainted two-handed weapon of excellent quality and exotic design (Step-10 damage). Bonebow (corrupt) Step-7 damage.
Loot: None.

      Withered Ones are the creation of Skhal Rhun and form his personal guard. The exact formula how to create a Withered One is only known to him, but as the name suggests must involve the Nethermancer spell Wither Limb. Withered Ones are almost never met alone and usually form a military group, with one leader (who uses his tactics power) to coordinate their attacks. They will try to lead their opponenets into an ambush, should they notice the advance of mortals into their master's domain.
In combat they will make full use of all available combat options, like giving ground, making a defensive stance, taking out spellcasters with their bows. If possible though they will enter melee to Drain Strength from their opponents and rejoice on the panic they cause by their mere appearance (fear power). Should the Lich Skhal Rhun ever be killed, all Withered Ones will immediately fall to the ground and dissolve into dust.

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