Elementalist Spells

    Speed Arrow

      Circle : 2
      Threads: 0 Weaving Difficulty: NA / 8
      Range: 3 yards Duration: Rank in rounds

      Effect: Willforce-3
      Casting Difficulty: 2+
    This spell enchants one arrow or bolt to be propelled not only by the bow or crossbow firing it, but also from a very small air elemental. If fired within rank rounds add the effect step to the damage step when calculating damage and increase maximum Range by half.
    Furthermore the arrow is now considered magical and may inflict more than 3 times the damage step in damage points if this optional rule is used.

    Wind Shield

      Circle : 3
      Threads: 2 Weaving Difficulty: 8 / 17
      Range: Touch Duration: 3 + Rank in rounds

      Effect: Willforce-3
      Casting Difficulty: SD
    This spell creates a small whirlwind around the recipient of the Spell.
    Under normal circumstances the shield does not hinder close combat in any way, but missile or throwing weapons suffer a penalty equal to the spells effect to both damage and accuracy.
    Normal circumstances mean that the character protected by the whirlwind is standing on hard ground, if the character is standing on sand, in water or knee-deep in the snow the GM can give him additional penalties and/or boni regarding vision and protection at his own discretion.


      Submitted by Ole Kjaer

      Circle : 14
      Threads: 4 Weaving Difficulty: 22 / 45
      Range: 1 mile Duration: 4 + Rank in hours

      Effect: see below
      Casting Difficulty: NA

    Volcano is a ritual spell, to weave each thread takes one hour. Thus casting the whole spell will take up to 4 hours. Volcano requires the Elementalist to see the crater of an active Volcano, he or she has to either stand on the rim or hover above the opening via magical (spell, flying carpet, etc.) or "mundane" means (airship).
    During the first stage, the Calming (Thread) the volcano will stop to show any signs of activity, it will neither form smoke nor show any minor eruptions. During the second stage the Volcano will form a plug to build up pressure, this is called the "Jah' jah Riin" the buildup phase. The third stage, known as "Groundshaker", tremors and small earthquakes will take place, first in the immediate vicinity of the volcano, then covering an area of 5 miles in radius and increasing in force. In the fourth phase known as the "Ulgojom" (Dark Skies) phase the volcano's plug will begin to show cracks and the volcano will hurl huge columns of smoke and dust up 10 miles in the sky and 10 miles in the direction of the air currents.
    The final phase is the actual eruption which will happen regardless if the magician casting the spell is still alive or not, hence no spell casting test is needed (the pressure is there and needs to be released). A "normal" eruption will create a killing field approximately 3 miles in radius, which destroys everything (houses, livestock, characters, cities and so on) and will cause severe damage up to a range of 8 miles, small (up to one feet in diameter) stones can be hurled up to 13 miles in any direction and ash will come down in an area of 20 miles in each direction and 50 miles in the direction of the air currents, making the air difficult to breath at best.
    Needless to say the Elementalist should either have some method to leave the scene or be ready to face inevitable death.
    Why does the neXus post this spell ?
    Well actually this spell offers an excellent adventure hook, the characters may save a (town, village, temple, shrine, monument, fill in the blank) from certain destruction at the hands of a (horror-tainted?) elementalist / group of elementalists.

    Snow Ball

      Submitted by Ole Kjaer

      Circle : 4
      Threads: 1 Weaving Difficulty: 8 / 16
      Range: 90 yards Duration: 1 round

      Effect: Willforce + 5
      Casting Difficulty: Spell Defense

    This spell creates a ball of snow the size of a football. Damage from this spell is stun only and cannot be resisted by any armor. Should the opponent be hit he has to resist knockdown against the spell's effect test. In case of an excellent success level or higher in the spellcasting test the snowball hit the opponents head, effectively blinding him or her (or it) for 2 rounds.
    The material component for this spell is a small amount of snow or ice. (Casting a blizzard sphere spell will provide that)

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