[ paladin ]
Laws of the Faithful
You shalt honor the Lord each day.
    At dawn and at dusk you shalt pray to the God Almighty and show your servitude to our cause.
    Should you ever not abide to this law my son so shalt your punishment be to fast and pray to the Lord for 2 days without nourishment and without sleep. After this time your soul shalt be pure again.

You shalt protect the weak
    You are to defend those who cannot defend themselves.
    You are the fortress for those who cannot fight and for those whose faith is to weak to strengthen their will against the forces of corruption.
    You shalt always abide to this law, failure to do so cannot be forgiven, excommunication shall be the punishment for those who are to weak to walk the path of virtue.

    (Author's Note: The "weak" are also captives who were disarmed or have surrendered to the Paladin and his group)

You shalt show gratitude to the church and to the believers
    You shalt free yourself of any mortal belongings which may cause you to stray from the path of virtue.
    You shalt give freely of your belongings to the poor and the church to further the goals of the Lord.
    Should you be overcome by greed so shalt your punishment be, to live in poverty for a year and a day praising the Lord for your life and living of the compassion from those to which you should have given.

You shalt show bravery before the foe
    Never shalt you leave the side of your companions and brothers in times of need.
    You shalt however not fight for the sake of fighting. If nothing can be won by a fight you shalt retreat.
    Failure to stand by your companions and the brotherhood shalt only know one penalty, lifelong excommunication.
    Fighting without reason shalt be punished with your own hand by 20 strokes with the scourge, to teach you the pain which comes from unnecessary bloodshed.

You shalt fight with honor
    You shalt face you opponent honorable, you shalt not hide in the shadows like a murderer and strike from the back.
    There is no honor in striking a fallen foe, you shalt wait until he gains footing again.

    (Author's Note: This rule doesn't seem to be true for horrors or those "who betray the Lord")

You shalt spread the word of the Lord
    Wherever you go you shalt spread the knowledge you have gained and the insight you have found.
    You shalt strengthen the belief of those you protect so that their faith will protect the land and the church.

Your faith shalt be the foundation for our victory