scourge_title.gif - 649 Bytes

    Cost: 20++ sp
    Damage Step: 4
    Str Min: 14
    Weight: 6 lbs.
    Size: 4
    Use: Pro-Pain freaks (not the band)
    Availability: (very) rare

A steel whip, usually barbed and with more than one strap of metal. The stats given above are for a "big" scourge which does the most damage. A scourge needs an extraordinary success to bypass armor. When using the optional rule of "wound effects", on p.203 ED, one wound caused by a scourge counts double when calculating the penalties on all actions for a number of rounds equal to the total damage step of the scourge ( Strength step + 4 ).
E.g. Cassius has been particularly lucky and is now suffering from four scourge-wounds, his normal penalty would be three steps on all actions, but because the wounds have been made by a scourge he suffers a seven step penalty (did I say - oops ?).
Among the more savage tribes execution by whipping someone to death with a scourge is common - and quite gruesome.

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