Stone Golem - title

DEX: 7 STR: 12 TOU: 12
PER: 3/8 WIL: 12 CHA: 3

Initiative: 4 Physical Defense: 9
# of Attacks: 2 Spell Defense: 20
Attack: 12 Social Defense: NA
      Damage: 19 Armor: 30 (10/40/30/30)
# of Spells: 0 Mystic Armor: 18
Spellcasting: NA Knockdown: 18
      Effect: NA Recovery Tests: 1
Death Rating: 85 Combat Move: 25
Wound Threshold: NA Full Move: 45
Unc. Rating: NA

Legend Points: 1,250
Equipment: None
Loot: None

      The Stone Golem (like most Golems) represents the optimal guardian, it neither sleeps nor drinks nor eats or has any other bodily needs. The stats above represent a "normal" man-sized version of a stone golem, but theoretically any size would be possible. Stone golems are very vulnerable to falling damage, even a simple knockdown does step 12 damage to them. (armor does BTW not reduce falling damage).
All Stone Golems have center for the magical threads which keep them "alive", this is usually the golems' head and is much more prone to injury. Stone Golems are of pure stone, they can suffer no wounds and no weapon can breach their armor.
In fact an attacker with a non-blunt weapon, e.g. an axe or a sword must roll a second attack test after the first successful one and if the second one fails, must reduce his weapons damage step by one.

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