Garbathian (possible PC race) :
Attributes :
- Dexterity : Average, no modifier.
- Strength : Quite strong, +3.
- Toughness : Very tough, +3.
- Perception : Below average, -1.
- Willpower : Average, no modifier.
- Charisma : Average.
Other Stats :
- Movement : As Dexterity plus 3 (gallop).
- Karma Die : 1d4 .
- Max. Karma : 20 .
- Starting Karma : 5 .
- Legend Points per Karma : 10 .
- Minimum Toughness of 11.
- Kick Attack : Damage Step: Str+4; use Unarmed Combat talent or skill, the world-famous back-kick does Str+6 damage. (against would-be backstabbers)
- Size : Males ~6' 6'' ; Females ~6' 4''.
- Length : Males ~7' 6'' ; Females ~7' 0''.
- Weight : Males ~800 lbs; Females ~650 lbs.
- Life Expectancy : ~60 years.
- Stamina: Increase the wound threshold by 1.
- Sure footing, add 2 Steps to wound balance or strength.
- Superior Vision: Garbathian Centaurs have excellent long-distance vision, double the maximum range for normal characters.
- Climbing, ever seen a horse climb a wall ?, apply a variable modifier.
Venturion (NPC only race) :
Attributes :
- Dexterity : Average, no modifier.
- Strength : Very strong, +6.
- Toughness : ... and incredibly tough, +8.
- Perception : dumb, -3.
- Willpower : Average, no modifier.
- Charisma : "kiss a fish" -4.
Other Stats :
- Movement : As Dexterity plus 2 (gallop).
- Karma Die : 1d4 .
- Max. Karma : 15 .
- Starting Karma : NA (NPC) .
- Legend Points per Karma : 12 .
- Minimum Toughness of 15.
- Minimum Strength of 14.
- Kick Attack : Damage Step: Str+8; use Unarmed Combat talent or skill, Venturions rarely back-kick, they gain no special damage bonus.
- Size : Males ~9' 6'' ; Females ~8' 6''.
- Length : Males ~11' 6'' ; Females ~10' 0''.
- Weight : Males ~4000 lbs; Females ~3000 lbs.
- Life Expectancy : ~45 years.
- Aggression: Venturion centaurs are very aggressive and are therefore subject to Blood Frenzy.
- Incredible Stamina: Increase the wound threshold by 3.
- Sure footing, add 3 Steps to wound balance or strength.
- Great Size, Venturions are able to wield size 5 weapons with one hand and use size 7 weapons (simply add one or two steps to the respective size 6 weapon).
- Climbing, ever seen a horse climb a wall ?, apply a variable modifier.
In my game world there are two sub-species of centaurs, the Garbathian and Venturion, the latter being a Non-Player-Character only race.
The physique of the two tribes are quite similar, both have the torso and head of a human (an ugly human in the case of the Venturion) and the lower body of a horse.
As noted above Garbathians are roughly normal sized concerning both human and horse, whereas Venturions can grow to a stunning 10 feet in size and weigh more than 4 Obsidimen. Garbathian fur colors range from white to black, just like normal horses, but Venturions are almost always either pure white or a light blue-grey. Skin color is variable for Garbathians and white-blue (the color of ice)
for Venturions.
Garbathians can live in almost all climates, but prefer to live on large plains, where they wander in tribes numbering from 5 to a few dozen members and find lots of fresh plants to sustain themselves (they are omnivorous). Organization structure is simple, just like with normal horses, the largest male leads the tribe, although other males are allowed to stay within the tribe and are not expelled from the herd (tribe).
Many tribes also include an elder centaur adept, usually an elementalist (shaman if used) for spiritual leadership, the sex is of no importance in this case.
Garbathians can learn few disciplines and usually have access to even fewer adept classes, amongst these are (* = possible at start): Archer*; Beastmaster*; Elementalist*; Gladiator; Scout*; Troubadour; Warrior* and Weaponsmith.
If you use the shaman discipline (which in my opinion is threatening game balance) replace the elementalist with the shaman.
Venturions are very different, they form neither tribes nor settlements, they are loners and will attack each other just as they do with all other species, only females with their young form small families to roam in the hills and mountains of my campaign world.
Venturions live only the northern countries, although they could (theoretically) live in any climate, they seem to prefer the cold and snow (hence their color scheme). They are omnivores, but prefer flesh above all other kinds of food. (Not only sentient flesh any flesh will do) Their prey is usually the same as for their only rival, the grizzly bear (or whatever you name it), which they will attack (and usually defeat due to their superior weapons) on sight.
Venturions have access to only one discipline, the warrior, and since they can't form any relationship for longer than a few days they usually self-initiate into this class. If trained (or rather made to train) they can probably learn the class of the gladiator and at least in one case, this has already happened. (That baby is called Charon in my campaign)
Don't be mislead by their manner and appearance, Venturions can deal with demihumans and humans, the only thing one needs to remember is : " Never anger a Venturion ". They will come to a human (or dwarven or...) settlement to trade fur and valuables for weapons and sometimes armor.
General Notes:
Centaurs as a race are ill suited for any other campaign other than a pure wilderness campaign, since their size weight and overall manner make it difficult for them to perform either a dungeon (kaer) crawl or a court adventure (I always thought we have stables for the horses, James)
Other difficulties come from the total inability to climb walls. Whereas humans and most other races can lift their own body weight (or have friends who can lift them), centaurs are unable to pull themselves up any length of rope let alone climb a brick wall without heavy magical aid.
However if a player wishes to play a centaur (like one of mine did a while back) why not ? it's sometimes quite interesting to have players think of new solutions to old problems, like We attach a rope to the ring above the chasm and all swing across, and then on second thought, maybe not....
As always : Have fun !!
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