- Problem No. 1
Player : "Why should I use a threaded weapon, my broadsword+7
does more damage !"
Aka problems with the Forge Blade talent.
- Problem No. 2
"Where did I hit him ?"
Simple Hit-location table and other rules.
- Problem No. 3
"Crougar can run as fast with his plate mail strapped on,
as with his string tanga, isn't that odd ?"
- Problem No. 4
"Crossbows, su**, why should I use one I'm no dwarf"
Critical Hits
- Problem No. 5
"I just missed my avoid blow by one point, come on I'm still standin', am I ?"
Revision of Avoid Blow
- Problem No. 6
"Hey cool my Durability increased by five ranks, now my DR is 145 - (Me:sigh)"
Balancing Thread Magic
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