Smithy - Ranged Weapons - title

Here is a short table which you might want to print out (use print frame if you are surfing the framed neXus).
You can click on the name of the weapon to get a more detailed description of the weapon.

If you would like to see your own weapons on this page, use the weapon generator to send me your own designs.

Name Cost
Size Short Med Long
    Throwing Weapons
2-hd Throwing Axe 150 5 18 4 4 2-10 11-20 21-30
Boomerang 40-100 2 5 .8 2 2-30 31-60 61-100
Throwing Hammer 140 4 13 2 3 2-10 11-25 26-50
Throwing Star 15 2 5 3 oz. 1 1-8 9-18 19-30
Jilta 25 2 12 2 2 2-10 11-25 26-40

    Missile Weapons     Revised Crossbow Rules
Multi-Blowgun 35 3* 6 3 2 2-20 21-40 41-60
Arbelest 1500 15 19 40 6+ 3-30 31-150 151-450
Mini Crossbow 60 2 7 2 2 1-15 16-30 31-60
Light Crossbow 50 4 10 5 4 2-50 51-125 126-200
Medium Crossbow 100 7 13 6 5 2-50 51-175 176-275
Heavy Crossbow 180 10 16 12 6 2-50 51-200 201-330
Troll Longbow 225+ 6 20 8 6 2-45 46-120 121-250
Troll Crossbow NA 16 22 ~17 6* 3-30 31-160 161-350
Theran Crossbow 250 12 16 13 6 2-25 26-100 101-200
Theran Twin 400 7*2 14 9 6 2-50 51-175 176-275
Zues Bolt 200 3+4 5 3 3 2-15 16-40 41-75
Malac Rifle High See 17 20 6 0-20 21-60 61-100

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